Daunte Valmont

As a miner in Italy in the early 1870’s, Daunte spent many hours in darkness. While he was down there, he would imagine the different places he was never able to experience. He would create worlds and visions in his mind that he would escape in for hours. One day, in one fantasy, he stayed a little too long in the visions in his head. He didn’t hear the mine begin to collapse, and was a half second too late in his escape.

When the shaking stopped, when he realized he was buried, he waited for the darkness to take him. To escape to one final place inside his mind. Before he knew it, he saw the rubble being thrown off him. Daylight seeped in, a man with black hair surrounded by others whom Daunte couldn’t see grabbed him faster than he had any right to. Daunte almost couldn’t feel the burning pain that came after due to the shattering feeling that came from the mine collapsing, but when it was over, Daunte collapsed from the pain.

He was unsure as to where he was when he woke up, he woke up in darkness. Eternal blackness, for all his eyes could see. He panicked and tried to move, but a steady hand held him down on the bed.

Why can’t I see?” Daunte’s voice panicked.

I’m not sure,” The voice next to him said, “But we can find out together, if you would like.”