Lucas Valmont

As an only child living in London, most people would have felt bad for Lucas. Except that Lucas preferred it that way, no scrawling children to share his parents affection with, no animals in the house to take care of, just Lucas and his studies. He had been a smart child, everyone told him. One day he would become a doctor, everyone was sure. He came from the right family, they had enough money to consider themselves almost “Elite”, as they often said around the dinner table. Life was absolutely perfect for Lucas and his family. The biggest worry they had was the rumors of a serial killer stalking the streets of London, murdering women, but Lucas was a man and therefore had no reason to be afraid of the night.

So Lucas lived life lavishly, a carefree bachelor with the world at his fingertips. It wasn’t until he stayed out too late one night, showing off his new pocket-watch mother had brought him from France, that he saw the end of that world. He was too drunk to notice the men following him out, nor to hear their footsteps running up on him as he walked alongside the London canal. Before he knew what was happening, they were on him. He tried to run, but in his drunken state all he could do was fall, and so he fell. A splash caught his breath as he realized he fell into the canal and was drowning. No one would save him, he would not be a doctor, he would never travel the world with his parents. He would die in that canal, alone.

If it wasn’t for the coven of vampire brothers who were looking for a psychic in London at that exact moment. The eldest spotted him in the canal, floating face down, and was at him in an instant.

He’s alone,” Bastion was already inside the soon-to-be deadman’s mind, searching for a sign of life, but instead saw emptiness and isolation.

Chris looked down at the poor man, alone in the world.

“He’ll never be alone again,”