
Constantine sighed heavily as he watched the love of his life tied down to the bed after they had finally been able to subdue her. To stop the plague upon that poor village that was her rage. Samantha had killed over an entire village of people; innocent men, women, and children. The children… nothing was safe from her blind fury. She had even killed the best of Constantine’s soldiers in her escape. Constantine knew she was hurt after what had happened, but there was no way of knowing her utter destruction.

Well, actually, there was.

I will kill you for this!”

She didn’t need to be speaking in riddles or rhymes for Constantine to understand those words uttered were indeed another one of her prophecies, doomed to come true no matter what. He thought if he could hide her away in that castle, miles away from Constantine and Sebastian, that damned wolf, that she could finally heal, maybe even forget. But those were a fool’s dreams, he now knew. She burnt that castle to the ground, killing every vampire in it, and made her way from village to village making her way towards Constantine, that they finally stopped her.

Yet despite the horrors she produced that night, the doom she foretold, and the death she brought… Constantine looked down at the small blonde woman and still, he loved her.

So he must send her away.