The Ten Year Journey

It’s easy to get frustrated with authors when you have to wait an extended period of time between books (cough cough Martin cough cough), but does anyone know what it’s like to create such a world in your head, and then to keep the story going? To spin such a web in your head and create such a vast universe, and then keep up with it all? Every time I find myself spewing a bit of gossip towards ‘slower’ authors, I try and tell myself to remember my own journey and to bite my tongue.

I first started Into the Night ten years ago. We were young, fifteen or sixteen. It was a joke at first, a drama class assignment as I’ve said in previous entries. We wrote the story quick enough but taking those spiral note books and finding the diamond in the rough, so to say, was not easy… There have been probably about a dozen to two dozen revisions of it. In the beginning the first three chapters and prologue were non-existent, and at one point we had almost half of book two done before we completely scrapped it and started over.

So needless to say, it’s been a long journey taking Into the Night and turning it into what it is today. We need to remember to have patience with authors, and with ourselves. I have wanted to just say “Screw it!” and hand in what I had to anyone who’ll take it, rather than re-read all twelve chapters over again. I’m glad I didn’t though, I’m glad I didn’t just find the first editor who would take me on and go with them because I was so excited. I’m glad I waited until I had really fine-tuned some spots that I truly thought were piles of garbage (As I call them). It’s not until now, at the end of this ten year journey, that I am truly happy with some of the decisions I made with the characters, where their arcs go, what happens with them, their sexualities, it’s all come clear now at the end of this long journey.

It’s not the end though, the end will be once I hand it off to the right people, but there’s still so much to do before then. I have this website up and I’m starting to be savvy enough to be on Social Media, but why am I doing all this?

I’ve waited ten years to tell my story, to bring these characters who are so dear to me to the worlds eyes. To see if the world will love them just as much as I do. I plan on doing that by keeping this website active and sharing bits and pieces of it with you, dear world, until the final product is ready (Keep an eye out for a very special End of the Year announcement, hint hint…)

Until then, my readers, I hope you all find joy in the anticipation that has been building in my heart of hearts for the past ten years as each sneak peak, character bio, and blog comes out. This story has become so much more than a story to me, it has become an integral part of my life and who I am at a core. I hope you all love these characters just as much as I do as you join us Into the Night…

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