Vincent Valmont

Bare knuckle boxing was nothing compared to training new Vampires in Constantine’s army.

These creatures fought like wild animals. The thirst and hunger they felt created vicious fighters. It was Vincent’s job to take these wild, barbaric fighters and train them to be soldiers, ready for any mission Constantine could need them of.

Constantine chose Vincent not only because of his strength, but his resilience. Vincent was a fighter in an under-ground boxing ring; no real job, no real family, Vincent used his strength to fight his way through life when he had nobody. He was the perfect fighter, he showed up, completed his fights, took his pay and left. Simple man. But after he was left for dead when a head injury went wrong, Constantine decided he would be the perfect man to train his soldiers in the Vampire Colony. Vincent’s loyalty ran deeper than any of his other soldiers, so when Constantine had a greater need of Vincent, a mission that trumped all other missions, Vincent didn’t hesitate to say yes to his leader and old friend. Vincent would leave the Vampire Colony for the first time after a hundred years had passed of him training the new Vampires. Can Vincent survive in Human world, or get burned by the Sun?